1/3/2013 2 Comments A Great Balancing Act It’s a New Year! Time for a new You, right? Wrong! There’s nothing wrong with the old you. OK, so you’re not perfect. Newsflash: you never will be. And believe me, I’m as pathetic a perfectionist as the next guy, so that hurts me to say more than it hurts you to hear. But cheer up! Obviously you’ve made it this far (and hopefully haven’t severely hurt anyone – the unintentional heartbreak(s) aside) so you just might be doing something right.
What’s that you say? Allison actually said I might be doing something right? Yes. Keep this blog forever. Reread it when you’re feeling down. You are doing lots of things right. How often do we tell ourselves that? I’ll bet – not very! So this year, instead of making trumped up resolutions (while hungover;), start with what you’re doing that you actually like. That way, you can see where the gaps are and work to fill them. It might look something like this: 1) I like that I’m Salsa dancing – but would like to go more than once a week. 2) I’m in decent shape – but would like to look better in my Salsa dresses. (Hint: doing #1 will help #2 come true:). 3) I had a great time at the Salsa party (notice a theme?) – but would like to avoid feeling like the walking dead the day after, therefore I’ll stop at three drinks next time. (This wasn’t my new year’s celebration [sadly], I just know my readers;). I could go on and on (as most of you know:). My point is, to quote a very wise man, “Life’s a Great Balancing Act”. [Yes, I’m quoting Dr. Seuss again. What can I say? The man’s a genius and I have two young kids.] Heading into the new year demanding some huge reform is unrealistic. And you feel crappy when half way through the first month, you’ve already given up. What if you just tried to achieve balance in your everyday life? For example, I’m going to try dividing the day in three equal parts: 8 hrs sleep, 8 hrs work, and 8 hrs play. Eight hours of play!?! Can you imagine that? How happy would we all be if we could pull that off?! Maybe it means I have to find a way to make doing the dishes feel like a game? I don't know yet, but thinking about it makes me positively giddy:) I’m not expecting to be able to do it down to the minute, but being aware that I need to include playtime in my day restores balance and flat out makes me a happier person. There’s so much to get done all the time it’s easy to forget how to play. The proverb is true: all work and no play makes Jack a boring dancer. OK, I may have taken some artistic license there - go with it. I’ll see you on the hardwood. It’s damn good to be back!
Melinda Hall
1/14/2013 12:57:17 am
You are brilliant!! loved it....you are so damn cute too! Almost as cute as your two adorable babies! love you!
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AuthorAllison loves to write almost as much as she loves to dance, so no one had to twist her arm to get her to write about dancing! Archives
March 2018
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